Your Voice Matters! Share Your Thoughts

:id:Attention all valued community members

We believe that your opinions and insights are the driving force behind our project’s success. To make sure we’re heading in the right direction and delivering what truly matters to you, we’re excited to announce our Project Feedback Collection!

:raising_hand_man: What We Want to Hear:

Whether you’re a long-time supporter or a recent joiner, we’re eager to hear from you. Share your thoughts about the project, suggest new integrations, propose event ideas, and let us know what aspects you love and where we can enhance.

Your voice has the power to shape the path of our project. Let’s come together and create something extraordinary! Don’t miss this opportunity to make your mark!

:handshake:Thank you for being an integral part of our journey. Your feedback truly matters.

Feedback form

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So far I have really liked everything! Excellent work. It seems to me that the renewal prices are very good and the technology works perfectly.

However I do have a suggestion.
Owning domains is expensive. and users expect to benefit from these domains.

And I think it’s a good idea that users can put/show the twitter (X) in the wallet they have like .sol domains, this could add value to the domains.

And perhaps and even more important would be to not only allow users to search for available domains in the search engine, but also to allow access to additional information/metadata about the domain, something that ENS does very well.

When looking for a domain using ENS you can see the website and other metadata that could generate benefits for the domain owners… Metadata like the website of the domain (IPFS / Arweave) to generate traffic for each site and consequently important value to the domains.

And although users can currently access this information, it is not intuitive and should be the first thing they see, the link to the website of each domain.

And last but not least I think Space.Id should buy the web 2 domain “” and use this as a bridge to web2 browsers.

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yes, we had a proposal to add social networks to the domain profile. this is a really handy feature for users who want to share them

Brilliant! And although I would like to see a link to social networks, remember that the most important thing is to have the link of the decentralized web page visible.