[IDP2] SPACE ID Grant Program Funding


IDP2 aims to secure funding for the SPACE ID Grant Program, which seeks to foster innovation within the blockchain community by providing financial support to developers and entrepreneurs that integrate our SDK/API or launch their projects on top of the SPACE ID ecosystem. We are requesting a total budget of $500,000 from the DAO treasury.


The SPACE ID Grant Program is designed to advance the frontier of blockchain technology by backing projects that align with our vision. By allocating funds to this program, the DAO community is investing in the expansion of the SPACE ID ecosystem, creating additional utility for .bnb and .arb domain holders, and driving the growth of the overall SPACE ID community.


The grant program will cover two categories of projects: those integrating Web3 domains with SPACE ID SDK/API, and those building on top of the SPACE ID ecosystem. Five tracks are available for applicants to apply: Wallet, DApps, Gaming, Tooling, and CEX. Participants are also encouraged to create additional unique utility for SPACE ID domains, expanding the list of overall domain use-cases and increasing the value of our ecosystem.


Projects will be evaluated based on daily active users, integration utility, and integration strength. Grant allocations range from $200-$5,000, depending on the project’s popularity and its utility for SPACE ID domain holders.

In the spirit of transparency and accountability, all grants distributed through the SPACE ID Grant Program will be made public, ensuring every member of our community can see where and how these resources are being allocated. Additionally, a dedicated committee has been formed to oversee the evaluation process. The committee members include:

  • arton.bnb, SPACE ID team
  • nilah.bnb, SPACE ID team
  • eddiez.bnb, SPACE ID team
  • steven.bnb - Space Aurora
  • bigblackcrypto.bnb - Space Aurora


The first round of project submission will occur from May 9th to July 31st, with subsequent rounds to follow. Each grant distribution cycle will occur every two to four weeks.


We are requesting a total budget of $500,000 from the DAO treasury. These funds will be distributed as grants to qualifying projects. If the allocated funds are not distributed within the first round, they will be utilized to provide grants in future rounds.

Expected Outcomes

  • Enhanced Ecosystem: Projects supported by the Grant program will contribute to the expansion and enhancement of the SPACE ID ecosystem. This includes adding more functionalities for .bnb and .arb domain holders.
  • More Web3 Integrations: We expect to see more projects integrating Web3 domains with the SPACE ID SDK/API. This will make our platform more versatile and useful to users.
  • Development Across Different Areas: By dividing the Grant program into five tracks (Wallet, DApps, Gaming, Tooling, and CEX), we can anticipate development and growth across these different areas within our ecosystem.
  • Community Empowerment: The program will empower our community members to actively contribute to the growth and development of SPACE ID, fostering a strong sense of ownership and involvement.
  • Enhanced Reputation: By fostering innovation and backing projects, the SPACE ID brand may gain more recognition and esteem in the blockchain community, positioning us as a supportive platform for developers and entrepreneurs.
  • Long-term Sustainability: The ongoing nature of the Grant program can help ensure the long-term sustainability and relevance of SPACE ID in a rapidly evolving blockchain landscape.

Additional Information

For more information about the SPACE ID Grant Program and its application process, please refer to the Grant Program blog post - https://blog.space.id/introducing-grant-program-innovating-in-the-space-id-ecosystem-fd21cd7a00f


DAO ID is required in the current field. it’s great that the project has a new strategy


Alright, been a fan of Space ID for a long while now, love this.


This is going more interesting day by day, Keep building and supporintg.


My ID: hihahi.bnb
I completely agree about setting up a fund to be able to support blockchains projects that have a good development team and ideas that are in line with the Space ID DAO’s direction.



i am very appreciated for space.id successness.

1 Like


And we will continue to support community development.



I’m a web developer and I experience about 3 years so I would like to join this program

Go ahead I’m very surprised foe that


DAO ID is required in the current field. it’s great that the project has a new strategy

That’s amazing go ahead, Awesome :+1:


The development of SPACE ID DAO is being seen as a new development branch of the blockchain and space tech community. SPACE ID DAO is a non-profit organization with no specific leader, but an online community managed and implemented by members of the community. This organization has been established to encourage and advocate the development and use of blockchain technology while also promoting innovation in the space industry through decentralized initiatives.

To make the development of SPACE ID DAO easier, we have compiled some useful information that blockchain developers and believers need to know.

About SPACE ID Knife
First, let’s learn about SPACE ID DAO. This organization was established to support the development and use of blockchain technology while encouraging innovation in the space industry. SPACE ID DAO’s motto is to support decentralized initiatives and collective decision-making.

Project development
Developers can participate in the development of the SPACE ID DAO by suggesting new projects or providing feedback on ongoing projects. New projects can be in any field related to blockchain technology and the space industry. The aim is to create solutions that are innovative, efficient, and in line with the trend of the Cryptocurrency-based payment market.

Deployment process
Once the projects have been approved, the developers will begin the implementation process. The projects are built with the purpose of meeting the general requirements of the SPACE ID DAO, including using blockchain technology from different platforms to create a good environment for decentralization and authorization.

Contribute and receive donations
In the development of SPACE ID DAO, the contribution and receipt of contributions play a very important role. Contributions can take any form, including grants and labor. In addition, Space ID DAO developers need to receive donations and support from the community.

Let’s cooperate and contribute strength
While SPACE ID DAO is itself a decentralized collective community, developers are playing a very important role in driving the development of this organization. Cooperation in projects as well as contributions will contribute positively to the construction and development of SPACE ID DAO.

With the above Guide, we hope that blockchain developers and believers will access and understand more deeply about SPACE ID DAO, support to promote development and improve your capacity and intelligence in the system. blockchain ecology.


Excellent. Very gopd platfrom

How is grant program?

1 Like

My view on Space ID Dao is transparency and community oriented
Building community Space ID Dao needs to be decentralized, so organizing meetings and supporting the community, many interactive games between the project and the community is the best way to connect.
I also do not have much experience in Web 3, my skill is Code.


According to me we will be able to decide who has to do what in the proposal has been going so he here what I have written n what should I do

Whatever proposal and tumse we will read it carefully and give and take right decision your post and we will decide he take what or no and then give vote also give our opinion

Members, reader



-: My view on Space ID Dao is transparency and community oriented wht in the proposal has been going so he here what I have written.
:- Building community Space ID Dao needs to be decentralized, so organizing meetings and supporting the community, many interactive games between the project and the community is the best way to connect.
:-. Testnet users or helpers



According to me we will be able to decide who has to do what in the proposal has been going so he here what I have do n takes participate in your program.

  • Building community Space ID Dao needs to be decentralized, so organizing meetings and supporting the community, many interactive between the project and the community is the best way to connect.

Great job SpaceID. Real Mass Adroption will be happened

greeat…i’m so glad to be part of this project