Delegate Application Template (Part 2)

Overall, I am optimistic about the future of space id.
I would help to promote the exchange of ideas and information within the SPACE ID community.

help to make decision how to improve project woth decentralization and make a big project
testnet, trading

assistance in project promotion
Investor , tester

Decentralization, Participation
Share and spread about SPACE ID
Retroactive, trader

I’ll do whatever I can to help out

1/ azdigi.bnb

SPACE ID DAO is a community managed and controlled by individuals holding ID tokens. Its goal is to provide a platform for members to propose ideas, which will then be discussed, evaluated, and voted on by the community to determine their approval. By ensuring transparency and consensus, the SPACE ID DAO seeks to protect the rights of ID token holders and promote their active participation in the decision-making process. Through the community, good proposals for the project will be approved and become reality, thereby benefiting more ID token holders.

With many years of crypto research and Web3 research, I will discuss and share with everyone the upcoming issues that the Space ID project will implement. Some of my ideas for example we will link crypto wallets with the domain of Space ID, that makes payments easier. Alternatively, we can think about transferring cryptocurrencies between chains through the domain of Space ID. For example you have 1 .bnb domain and 1 .arb domain, then you link the .bnb domain to your BNB chain wallet and the .arb domain to your Ethereum wallet, then we can transfer money from .bnb domain to .arb domain using Space ID’s transaction processing system. If you can do that, that would be great. Like now you can transfer money very easily between different banks. I have a lot of other ideas, hope to be able to contribute to the project in the future.

I have supported a number of Web3 projects to build communities on twitter, telegram, discord… Contribute my ideas on the direction of the project to match the changes of the market. Promote web3 projects on social platforms, attracting more people to participate in the project’s community. Generate ideas for events to build and attract more users for the project. Has a lot of experience in building, supporting and developing user communities.

I think it will be an unique DAO
I would to share my expertise of SPACE ID
Im 2 years experience in WEB3

heths.bnb / californium.arb

Space ID is doing really great and now in DAO, the future wiil be bright.

If any New system and update in ID, I like to part in the DAO proposals.

I have good experience with Space ID.

It’s excellent domain service for the future and for web3 , publicity , acting
Marketing and research also community support
testnester , skills in web3, researcher, community

i don’t know much but this will helpful for community
Whatever knowledge I have, I can share it with the community
Researcher, Ambassador, Testnet


I am new in web3.
I am really happy to join this community.

  • ailinka.bnb, ailinka.arb

  • I believe that the overall goal of the SPACE ID DAO is to create a decentralized and autonomous platform that provides domain name services in a transparent and secure manner. The DAO aims to use blockchain technology to remove intermediaries, reduce costs, and enhance the user experience.

  • I am interested in proposing innovative solutions that improve the user experience, increase adoption of SPACE ID’s domain name services, and promote the DAO’s overall objectives. I am open to collaboration with other community members and would love to contribute to the growth and success of the SPACE ID ecosystem.

  • I have been involved in the blockchain industry for several years and have extensive experience in web3 development. I have contributed to various open-source projects, including smart contract development, decentralized applications (dApps), and web3 integration. My skills include Solidity programming, Ethereum, and various blockchain frameworks and platforms.


  • a revolutionary and honest system
  • holding and participate
  • since 2018 in crypto and frontend web3, i am enginner softaware

Decentralization, Participation, Publicity
By discussing with community and make contribution based on needs
Its been 4 year’s Im a freelancer.

*Your .bnb / .arb name:
*Your view on the overall goal of the SPACE ID DAO:
I very liked the idea of space Id Dao.
In web 3.0, spaceid’s own domain is the most important. And we need decentralization, participation, publicity
*How would you contribute to the SPACE ID community or any improvement proposal you are considering:
I want to share my experience in marketing and promotion of SPACE ID
I can create topics on Twitter and be an active member of the community
*Your web3 experiences / achievements / skills:
I am in Crypto since 2016 and still learning new things every day now. Web 3, Defi and Crypto are of my favorite interests.
I have experience in front-end development. Since 2022 I have been involved in testnet, ambassador programs

I want to support the work Space ID is doing on scaling/
I think the team should be open to experimentation and be dynamic in the early days,
as we grow and learn.
My skills and areas of expertise are: writing/creating educational content, operations, strategy,
DeFi, investment
I think that Space ID is an important component of scaling

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Space ID is a great project, and i will make it better.
I am not a programmer, but I stand at the origins of the crypto industry

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  • shaktimaan.bnb
  • Decentralization
  • helping out by being an active community member
  • Participate in active events
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. rajjak.bnb

  • proposal, which will help all of us any one work will be done by the decision of all of us, as we al

. Whatever proposal comes, we will read it and if is the right decision, then we will vote on it and give our opinion

. devloper

Domain name: ebenco.arb
I delegate fully on this
I am in full support over this… LFG!!!
Together we can.