Delegate Application Template (Part 2)


good decentralized innovation for the future

voted the proposal

Big movement is near


I hope that this project will be fine)
I can help with the project)
My experience is now in testnet and airdrops

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My spaceID: goldfinche.bnb
My spaceID: My view on SPACE ID DAO: decentralization
Contributing to the community SPACE ID: participate to make decision by voting
Your web3 experience/achievements/skills: trading, new project exploring

  • *our .bnb / .arb name: iphonepromax19.bnb

  • *Your view on the overall goal of the SPACE ID DAO: space id dao become primarily platform on web 2

  • *How would you contribute to the SPACE ID community or any improvement proposal you are considering: I can become ambassador and do marking for space id

  • *Your web3 experiences / achievements / skills: I am surffing internet everyday so I have ability to search information

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ID 2u soon

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Your .bnb / .arb name: huonggiangg.bnb
Your view on the overall goal of the SPACE ID DAO:SPACE ID DAO is not just a facilitator of decentralization, it embodies our vision at its core.
How would you contribute to the SPACE ID community or any improvement proposal you are considering: voting and community support. As well as promoting the project
Your web3 experiences / achievements / skills:I can help users better understand complex concepts related to blockchain, decentralized applications, smart contracts, decentralized finance (DeFi)


Make it easy for people to work with crypto
Comprehensive support of the crypto community
Experience with crypto for 3 years

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  • My .bnb name: osamabinladen.bnb
  • Your view on the overall goal of the SPACE ID DAO: I believe that the overall goal of the SPACE ID DAO is to create a more democratic and decentralized internet. By providing a decentralized domain name system, SPACE ID DAO can empower users to have greater control over their online presence.
  • How would you contribute to the SPACE ID community or any improvement proposal you are considering: I have a strong background in software engineering and blockchain technology, and I am committed to contributing my skills and knowledge to the SPACE ID community. I would like to propose the development of a user-friendly interface for the SPACE ID DAO platform, which would make it easier for users to interact with the decentralized domain name system.
  • Your web3 experiences/achievements/skills: I have extensive experience in developing decentralized applications on the Ethereum blockchain using Solidity, and I am proficient in web3.js and other blockchain development tools. I have also worked on several web development projects, including building front-end user interfaces using React.js and Angular.js.

From India
Best project web3

  • *Your .bnb / .arb name: yuvakishore.bnb / ethtechie.arb
  • *Your view on the overall goal of the SPACE ID DAO: * Decentralization, Participation, Publicity & snapshot voting
  • *How would you contribute to the SPACE ID community or any improvement proposal you are considering: I would to share my expertise in marketing and promotion of SPACE ID
  • *Your web3 experiences / achievements / skills: BAYC WG0 member

Promising, with a good future
Write texts, answer questions, help

Looks promising, letā€™s see how it will be implemented
I would be glad to contribute by translating and writing different documents from Eng to Rus/UA/DE
Testnets mainly

  • kolyac.bnb
  • Publicity and snapshot voting
  • Iā€™d like to offer my expertise for SPACE ID.
  • BAYC WG0 member
  • mazzu.bnb/mazzu.arb
  • In web 3.0, spaceidā€™s own domain is the excellent domain service in the future!
  • I would contribute to the project by sponsoring and testing it to be the best product
  • Website Creation, CMS wordpress, opencontent, drupal.
  1. My .bnb name: hoian.bnb
  2. I believe that the overall goal of the SPACE ID DAO is to create a decentralized and democratic system that enables global access to various services and resources, and to empower individuals to have more control over their own data and digital identity.
  3. I would contribute to the SPACE ID community by actively participating in discussions and providing feedback on improvement proposals. I am also interested in exploring opportunities to collaborate with other community members on projects related to decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs).
  4. While I donā€™t have extensive experience with web3 technologies, I am familiar with the basics of blockchain and cryptocurrency. I have also completed several online courses on smart contract development and decentralized applications (dApps).

I think itā€™s a good idea to thrive NFT on web 3 to every user we have. with the object object, field

Space Id: bnbcryptolover.bnb
Help me Voting

  1. kolorit.bnb
  2. Openness, accessibility, transparency. Blockchain based decentralization.
  3. Study, active dissemination of information about SPACE ID DAO among friends and subscribers. Participation in testing new developments.
  4. testnet, enthusiast, studying web3, Defi

I Really Like the SpaceID Dao launched this is great Initiative by SpaceId.


1.richardnelox.bnb and richardlox.bnb
2.I like this project and its collabations with binance, arbitrum and others
3.I am distributing this project among my friends/partners
4.Passing a lot of tests, leaving a lot of feedback, interacting with different projects