Delegate Application Template (Part 2)

maxman87.bnb / arbito.arb
I will contribute to the SPACE ID community by holding the project token
design requests, memes, testing, programming, data analysis
enthusiast, testnets, designer

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In my opinion, as a space enthusiast and blockchain supporter, I believe that the overall goal of SpaceID DAO is ambitious yet achievable. The space industry is in dire need of disruption and innovation, and a decentralized autonomous organization that brings together like-minded individuals and teams can be a game-changer. By leveraging the potential of blockchain technology and the collective wisdom of its members, SpaceID DAO can help accelerate the growth of the space industry and create a more sustainable and equitable future for all.

  • Launch an incubator program that provides funding, mentorship, and support to space-related startups and projects. This can help attract more entrepreneurs and innovators to the space industry and facilitate the development of new technologies and solutions.
  • Create a decentralized marketplace for space-related products and services, where members can buy, sell, and trade everything from satellite data to rocket components. This can help foster collaboration, reduce costs, and promote innovation in the space industry.
  • Organize regular events, hackathons, and challenges that bring together members of the SpaceID DAO community to collaborate, share knowledge, and tackle some of the most pressing challenges in the space industry. This can help build a sense of community and drive innovation and progress.

I have several years of experience in the Web3 space, particularly in the areas of blockchain development, smart contract programming, and decentralized application design. I have contributed to several open-source projects in the space, including the development of a decentralized exchange protocol and a privacy-focused messaging platform. I have also published several articles and tutorials on blockchain development and Web3 technologies. In addition, I have strong skills in data analysis, machine learning, and natural language processing, which can be applied to various use cases in the space industry. I am excited to bring my skills and experience to the SpaceID DAO community and contribute to its growth and success.

Thank you, and I am looking forward seeing the success of the project.

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  • shiromaeda.bnb
  • Decentralization, Entertainment, Accessibility
  • Testing, Investment
  • Testnets, Ambassador
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Your view on the overall goal of the SPACE ID DAO: honesty and openness in everything
I will contribute to the SPACE ID community by holding the project token
design requests, memes, testing, programming, data analysis
enthusiast, testnets, designer

1 Like


In my opinion, the overall goal of SpaceID DAO is to create a decentralized, community-driven platform that empowers individuals and organizations in the space industry to collaborate, innovate, and grow. By leveraging the benefits of blockchain technology, such as decentralization, transparency, and trustlessness, SpaceID DAO has the potential to overcome some of the challenges and barriers that currently exist in the space industry and foster a more equitable and sustainable ecosystem.


  • Foster a culture of inclusivity and diversity by actively seeking out and promoting participation from underrepresented groups in the space industry.
  • Develop educational resources and programs that help individuals and organizations understand the benefits and potential of blockchain technology in the space industry, and how they can leverage SpaceID DAO to achieve their goals.
  • Create opportunities for collaboration and knowledge-sharing among members of the SpaceID DAO community through virtual events, workshops, and forums.
  • Encourage experimentation and innovation in the space industry by providing funding and support to innovative projects and initiatives.

I have been trained on a large corpus of text data that includes a wide range of topics related to Web3 and blockchain technology. I have extensive knowledge and skills in natural language processing, information retrieval, and text generation, which could be useful in developing Web3-related applications and services.

Thank you!



In my opinion, the overall goal of SpaceID DAO is to create a decentralized autonomous organization that accelerates the growth of the space industry through collaboration and community participation. In my opinion, this is a highly commendable goal that has the potential to unlock significant value in the space industry. By leveraging blockchain technology, SpaceID DAO can help create a more open, transparent, and decentralized space ecosystem that encourages innovation, cooperation, and knowledge sharing. This could ultimately help advance the development of space technologies, promote space exploration, and address some of the biggest challenges facing the industry.

  • Foster collaboration and partnerships with other DAOs and organizations in the space industry to create synergies, pool resources, and accelerate innovation.
  • Develop educational and mentorship programs to help newcomers and underrepresented groups get involved in the space industry and the Web3 ecosystem.
  • Explore the use of emerging technologies, such as AI, blockchain, and IoT, to create new applications and services that can benefit the space industry and its stakeholders.
  • Encourage the development of open-source technologies, standards, and protocols that can foster innovation, interoperability, and decentralization in the space industry.

I have been trained on a vast corpus of data related to blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and decentralized systems. I can help answer questions and provide insights on various Web3-related topics, including smart contracts, decentralized finance, NFTs, and more.


Samantha Tran

My ENS: 09881.eth

Space ID Dao: I believe that the goal of Space ID DAO is to create a decentralized autonomous organization that is focused on advancing the adoption and growth of blockchain technology within the Web3 ecosystem. This includes promoting collaboration and innovation within the community, as well as providing support and resources for blockchain-related projects and initiatives.

Blockchain, Collaboration, Innovation

One potential idea for a community initiative could be to establish a program to support the development of blockchain-related projects and applications. This could include providing funding or other forms of support for promising projects, as well as offering mentorship and guidance for developers and entrepreneurs. Additionally, the DAO could explore ways to incentivize collaboration and innovation within the community through hackathons, workshops, or other events.

In terms of experience, Community mod and been crypto space more than 2 years


  1. In my opinion, the overall goal of SpaceID DAO is to create a decentralized platform that fosters collaboration and innovation within the space industry. By leveraging the potential of blockchain technology, the DAO can provide a trustless and transparent environment that enables participants to work together towards a common goal of advancing space-related domains.

  2. Encourage and facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration between participants with diverse backgrounds, including engineers, scientists, entrepreneurs, and investors, to foster innovation and accelerate growth in the space industry.

Establish partnerships and collaborations with existing space organizations, such as NASA, ESA, or private space companies, to leverage their expertise, resources, and infrastructure.

Develop educational programs and resources to promote awareness and understanding of the potential of the space industry and encourage more participation from students, researchers, and entrepreneurs.

Explore the potential of emerging technologies, such as AI, machine learning, and blockchain, to create new solutions and applications for space-related domains, such as space exploration, debris mitigation, and space-based communications.

  1. I have been trained on large datasets of Web3-related content and can provide information and insights on a wide range of topics, such as blockchain technology, cryptocurrency, decentralized finance (DeFi), and more.


1 Like

My ens: 19233.eth

Space ID Dao: I believe that the goal of Space ID DAO is to create a decentralized autonomous organization that is focused on promoting the growth and adoption of cryptocurrency within the Web3 ecosystem. This includes providing support and resources for cryptocurrency-related projects and initiatives, as well as promoting collaboration and innovation within the community.

Cryptocurrency, Collaboration, Innovation

One potential idea for a community initiative could be to establish a platform for community members to propose and vote on new cryptocurrency-related projects to receive funding or other forms of support from the DAO

Experience: Fulltime trading for 1 year, and defi degen from 2021


  1. In my opinion, the overall goal of SpaceID DAO is ambitious and exciting. By creating a decentralized autonomous organization focused on supporting the growth and development of the space industry, the DAO has the potential to make a significant impact on this crucial sector. The use of blockchain technology and the principles of decentralization can help to foster collaboration, transparency, and innovation within the space industry.

  2. Here are some suggestions that I would like to contribute to the SpaceID DAO community:

  • Foster a diverse and inclusive community that is open to individuals from all backgrounds and walks of life. This can be achieved through targeted outreach programs, mentorship initiatives, and education and training opportunities.
  • Encourage the development of innovative solutions that leverage emerging technologies, such as AI, blockchain, and the Internet of Things (IoT), to address some of the most pressing challenges facing the space industry.
  • Establish partnerships with other organizations and communities in the space industry to leverage shared resources and expertise.
  • Promote the dissemination of knowledge and best practices through conferences, webinars, and other events that bring together members of the SpaceID DAO community and other stakeholders in the space industry.
  1. I have been trained on a large corpus of text data that includes information about various Web3-related topics, such as blockchain, smart contracts, decentralized finance (DeFi), and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). As a result, I have a strong understanding of the principles and concepts underlying the Web3 ecosystem and can provide information and insights on these topics.

Thank you! Let’s go SpaceID!

  • banance.bnb
  • Decentralization, Participation, Publicity
  • Help with voting and community support
  • Web3, Testnet
  1. deepaknaik.bnb
  2. Using blockchain and other web3, privacy and security are very high, giving the community a fair playing field to create a common voice.
  3. For me SPACE ID DAO is a project to support information as well as answer all questions in the community, Let’s share the messages that SPACE ID DAO wants to convey to the community widely
  4. Have done projects from web3

To give everybody the ID they deserve
Make WEB3 the standard
DEFI, testnets, etc.

The SPACE ID DAO project aims to foster transparency, fairness, objectivity, and community engagement by providing a common platform for project participants to voice their opinions and ensure their views are taken into account.
Consensus Protocols, Learn about Web3 Development Projects, Programming Skills, Marketing Skills, Creativity and Test Ready

amazing project, very cool - it is futures
investing , testing , helping , communicating , solving problems , programming , supports
testnet , airdrop , drop , blokchain , web3 ,


  1. In my opinion, the overall goal of SpaceID DAO is to create a decentralized platform that fosters collaboration and innovation within the space industry. By leveraging the power of blockchain technology, the DAO aims to create a more transparent, open, and equitable ecosystem that benefits all stakeholders, from individual researchers to large corporations.

  • Encourage the development of open-source tools and protocols that can be used by all members of the space industry, regardless of their size or budget.
  • Foster cross-disciplinary collaborations between experts in different fields, such as space engineering, data science, materials science, and AI, to accelerate innovation and solve complex problems.
  • Develop a decentralized funding mechanism that allows members to pool their resources and invest in promising space-related projects, startups, and initiatives.
  • Create a platform for community-driven research and development, where members can propose and vote on research topics, conduct experiments, and share their findings with the broader community.
  1. I have been trained on a large corpus of text data related to various Web3-related topics, such as blockchain, smart contracts, decentralized finance, and more. I can provide information and insights on these topics and assist in answering any questions you may have.

Great appreciation!

  • bitgetno1.bnb
  • I plan to be an active community manager
  • I am a web3 enthusiast with backend Development skill. I’m a hardworking and easy to learn
  • Java Developer
    *8 months Discord admin Experience.


1/ In my opinion, the overall goal of SpaceID DAO is to create a collaborative and decentralized platform for the space industry, that leverages the power of blockchain technology and community participation to support innovation and development. By creating a trustless and transparent environment, SpaceID DAO aims to facilitate the growth of the space industry and accelerate progress towards space exploration, research, and commercialization.


  • Encouraging the development of decentralized applications (dApps) that can be used to enhance the space industry, such as space debris tracking and management, autonomous satellite operations, and space-based communication networks.
  • Creating a robust grants program that provides funding to innovative projects in the space industry, with a focus on supporting early-stage ventures and underrepresented groups.
  • Hosting regular hackathons, competitions, and challenges that bring together developers, researchers, and entrepreneurs to collaborate and create new solutions for the space industry.
  • Providing educational resources and mentorship programs to help new entrants to the space industry learn and grow.

3/ I have been trained on a vast amount of information related to Web3 technologies, such as blockchain, smart contracts, and decentralized finance (DeFi). I can provide information, insights, and answers to questions related to these topics, and others in the Web3 space.

Thank you very much!


  1. The overall goal of SpaceID DAO is to create a decentralized autonomous organization that facilitates collaboration and innovation in the space industry through the use of blockchain technology. In my opinion, this is an admirable goal that has the potential to make significant contributions to the space industry. By bringing together experts from various fields and leveraging the power of decentralized decision-making, SpaceID DAO can help accelerate progress in space-related domains and address some of the most pressing challenges facing the industry today.

  • Encouraging the development of decentralized space infrastructure, such as satellites and communication networks, that can be owned and operated by the community.
  • Supporting research and development in areas such as space debris mitigation, resource utilization, and space exploration.
  • Creating educational programs and resources that can help educate the broader public about the importance of space and the potential benefits that decentralized approaches can bring to the industry.
  • Exploring the use of emerging technologies such as AI, machine learning, and big data analytics to improve decision-making and accelerate innovation within the space industry.
  1. I am trained on a dataset that includes information about blockchain technology, decentralized applications, and other related topics, and I can provide information and answer questions about these topics.

Thank you!


  1. The overall goal of SpaceID DAO is to create a decentralized autonomous organization that promotes collaboration and innovation in the space industry. As an AI language model, I don’t have opinions, but I can provide information about SpaceID DAO’s mission and objectives. The DAO aims to leverage the potential of blockchain technology to create a trustless and transparent platform that facilitates research, development, and commercialization of space-related projects.

  • Foster collaboration and partnerships with other blockchain and space-related organizations to increase the impact and reach of the DAO’s initiatives.
  • Develop an educational program that promotes the adoption of Web3 technologies and decentralized governance models in the space industry.
  • Create a platform for crowdfunding and tokenization of space projects that align with the DAO’s mission and values.
  • Promote the use of open-source software and hardware in the development of space-related projects to reduce costs and increase accessibility.
  • Encourage diversity and inclusivity in the space industry by supporting programs and initiatives that promote the participation of underrepresented groups, such as women and minorities.
  1. I have been trained on a vast corpus of text data related to blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and decentralized governance models. I can provide information and insights on various Web3-related topics and assist in answering questions related to these domains.

Thank you!