Delegate Application Template (Part 2)

space id domain is agrispace.bnb 410410.arb
strong DAO voting
great working with space ID
amazing experiance

2āƒ£5āƒ£5āƒ£1āƒ£.bnb 6060.arb
community good
space id Dao working great for future

-My spaceID:WORLDDAN.BNB -My view on SPACE ID DAO:DECENTRALIZATION SECURITY -Contributing to the community INVESTOR -Your web3 experience/achievements/skills:DEVELOPER

  • Your .bnb / .arb name: output.arb

  • Your view on the overall goal of the SPACE ID DAO:
    The establishment of a spaceID decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) is crucial for propelling our community to the next level of growth and innovation. By creating a spaceID DAO, we can leverage the power of distributed decision-making and collective ownership to accelerate our progress towards our shared vision of a decentralized future.

  • How would you contribute to the SPACE ID community or any improvement proposal you are considering:
    Help with voting and community support, and sharing SPACE ID community to my friends.

  • Your web3 experiences / achievements / skills: 2 years experiences in web3 programming with Web3js, Solidity. In addition to programming skills, I also possess a variety of business management-related skills.

My spaceID: worlddan.bnb
-My view on SPACE ID DAO: decentralization security transparency
-Contributing to the community SPACE ID: making the right decisions
-Your web3 experience/achievements/skills: developer

Graphic design
I want to support Space ID with build community

svm3009.bnb / svm3009.arb
I hope to be a useful and active member of the community.
I really believe in this project and that it will be very useful to society.

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cometa .bnb / cometa.arb:
-more money
-extensive knowledge

  • bardak.arb
  • Decentralization, Participation, Publicity
  • Help with voting and community support, im programmer
  • enthusiast, testnets,

-noobinho.bnb & m4glacier.arb

-SPACE ID DAO helps the project community to be transparent, fair, objective and a common voice of the participants in this project.

  • voting and community support

  • Iā€™m just a web3 user,

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  • James
  • I plan on Helping out by being an active community member
  • I am a web3 enthusiast with Frontend Development skill. Iā€™m a fast learner and Iā€™m willing to work with any tools available
    *Reactjs Developer
    *5 months Discord Mod Experience.

ā€¢ draqoosha.bnb
ā€¢ SPACE ID DAO - an important stage in the unification of users and development of the projectā€™s community
ā€¢ I have extensive experience in cryptocurrencies and different blockchains, I can offer interesting tricks to improve the project and the platform as well as for marketing
ā€¢ Moderator, Ambassador in many famous projects

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it is transparent and open enough.
Helping to push awareness and voting on governance
Trading/ Analysis / Content

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good project,want to be a his part
i use a project token?and tell people about this project(ambassador)
tester,blockchain platforms,I am new to WEB3(about 1.5year)

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  • fantast1c.bnb
  • Space ID Dao: an essential milestone in consolidating users and fostering the projectā€™s community is the implementation of Decentralization, Participation, and Publicity.
  • With my wealth of knowledge in the realm of cryptocurrencies and various blockchain technologies, I am equipped to provide insightful strategies for enhancing both the project and platform, as well as devising successful marketing techniques
  • Extensive knowledge, testnets
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Good morning my dear friends :heart::heart:
And I will be there in about your bf

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  1. Innovation: Encourage a culture of innovation by investing in research and development and exploring new technologies and ideas. Foster a mindset of experimentation and risk-taking to drive progress.
  2. Sustainability: Ensure that the organizationā€™s activities and operations are environmentally sustainable and socially responsible. Implement sustainable practices such as reducing waste, minimizing carbon footprint, and supporting local communities.
  3. Community engagement: Build strong relationships with the community and stakeholders by creating meaningful opportunities for engagement and collaboration. This can include events, workshops, and educational programs.
  4. Effective communication: Develop a clear and concise message that communicates the organizationā€™s values, mission, and goals. Use various communication channels to reach different audiences, including social media, press releases, and newsletters.

By focusing on these areas, any organization or project can work towards achieving greater success and impact.

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Space id-binancesmartchainspaceid.bnb
Decentralization, Participation, Publicity
Help with voting and community support
Web3, TestNet

SPACE ID is god
NFT creator, invest, trade

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My ID : kikiki9999.bnb

  • Always towards the transparent community. Strong development of NFT, DAO convenient and cheap transactions
  • I always support voting and sharing problems while using SPACE ID, sharing widely with my team community
  • I have 2 years of experience WEB 3 always listen to projects
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