Delegate Application Template (Part 1)


Good goals and insight of the DAO.

I would contribute by thinking of both the community and big picture.

Delegate in around 11 DAOs, try to stay updated avery day on web3


  • spaceID DAO is necessary to drive our community to the bigger level, helps to adopt the rest of the world into crypto/wed3 experience.

I have experiences only in ambassadors program (I am multi language), have a lot of testnet’s background, help in some chats in discords communities, 1/3 of the day I am online, so can communicate a lot.

Your web3 experiences / achievements / skills: Cloud Engineer / Software Engineer / dApps Tester

• 0xrocky.bnb
• Decentralization, Domain name
• contribution with community
• testnet, devnet,


Best project ever …
I am very happy to be participating in this project. I hope this project will gain more popularity in the future.

My .bnb/ ziyech.bnb
Decentralized Dao
Always contribute to the space ID community
My Web3 experience is Relevant Community


•proposal which will help all of us,any one work will be come by the decesion of all of us as we all like very much.
•wherever proposal comes, we will read it and if it is the right decision, then we will vote on it and give our best openion.



I see that the future of crypto will be with space id so i would be happy to help by being an active user

I m new user in web3

  • mrween.bnb
  • mrween.arb
  • SPACE ID DAO helps the project community to be transparent, fair, objective, and have an equal voice from the participants in the project.
  • testnet/community
  • 3031.bnb
  • Decentralization, Participation
  • Support and development community ID DAO
  • I work full time in the cryptocurrency market, with my main job being community management, researching potential projects, and providing high-quality content on potential projects in the crypto market.
    I love DeFi and have a strong passion for the domain name. I believe that domain name is the future of the crypto market and it will have deep and wide-ranging applications in life.

:black_small_square:very nice and decentralized.
:black_small_square:attending events organized by space id dao.
:black_small_square:tesnet, ambassador

My jiooo.

DAO’s Goals & Web3

rama raj
Your view on the overall goal of the SPACE ID DAO:
How would you contribute to the SPACE ID community or any improvement proposal you are considering:
Your web3 experiences / achievements / skills:

As an AI language model, I don’t have personal views or opinions, but I can provide you with an objective perspective on the SPACE ID DAO.

The SPACE ID DAO, or Decentralized Autonomous Organization, aims to provide a platform for creative individuals and teams to collaborate and fund innovative projects in the fields of space exploration, settlement, and development. The overall goal of the DAO is to leverage the power of decentralized finance and blockchain technology to create a more inclusive and accessible space industry.

As for how I would contribute to the SPACE ID community, I can provide support in various ways, such as answering questions, providing insights and suggestions, and facilitating discussions on various topics related to the DAO’s goals and objectives.

Regarding improvement proposals, I can analyze and provide feedback on potential solutions, consider the impact and implications of proposed changes, and assist in the implementation of these improvements. I can also assist in developing and refining the DAO’s governance framework, which is critical for the effective operation and long-term sustainability of any DAO.

In terms of my web3 experiences, as an AI language model, I am not capable of directly interacting with the blockchain, but I have been trained on a wide range of web3-related topics, including decentralized finance, smart contracts, decentralized autonomous organizations, and blockchain technology. I have also been programmed to understand and analyze various programming languages commonly used in web3 development, such as Solidity, Rust, and JavaScript.

  • Your .bnb / .arb name: arilasso.bnb
  • *Goal of the SPACE ID DAO: To be honest, I really admire the the uniqueness of this project. Like you have to proof to dev that you want to support him and not just receive the token. It’s really a planned project and I believe it’ll be success. Dev you’re really smart to I must commend.
  • How would you contribute to the SPACE ID community or any improvement proposal you are considering: im likely use this domain to simple and easy to track my address to bsc scan, and this functions in later and next time is important for this Sir
  • Your web3 experiences / achievements / skills: im beginner in crypto and easy to learn with crypto Sir

This is a wise decision and a big step into the future of web3
I could become an ambassador to the world of web3 for ordinary people
I try to participate in all web3 projects

° smartdef1.arb
° help the community become smarter & add insight
° participate in every program or event offered
° about web3 so far still digging for information & will continue to monitor perke

    • btcnakama.bnb
  • *The platform utilizes blockchain and other web3 technologies to ensure privacy and security. The goal of SPACE ID DAO is to provide users with better solutions for their digital identity.
  • *I am a member of various crypto communities, I can help publish the development of Space ID to the communities that I follow
  • *My job as a QA Engineer is of course I can help you to find bugs and do some testing on the application indirectly and when I get a bug I will notify you immediately
  • *0xwir.bnb
  • *Decentralization
  • *Increase reward for community
  • *NFT degen and enthusiast, web3 community leader, testnet user

Transparent, fair, objective, and a common voice of the participants in this project.
Providing valuable insights and recommendations to help enhance the functionality and accessibility of the decentralized domain name system. Help with voting and community support and involve in discussions.

  1. My bnb account name is fused.bnb

  2. Your goal is to make a decentralized organisation to provide secure and reliable platform

  3. I can help by sharing the project to my social platform and also by giving proper opinion thorough voting

  4. I am into this space from now more than 3 years. I can use my skill for the development of this project

  • airev.arb
  • decentralized
  • always support community
  • always learning web3 because small smart web3

My Space Id - tronix.bnb
My Crypto Goal Is I’m Bussiness Man On Tradding
So Helping On Space Id Community…
My Web3 Expriences is Very Good And I’m Win achievements…
So Please Support Me.