Delegate Application Template (Part 1)


the SPACE ID DAO’s goal is to create a vibrant and collaborative ecosystem that supports the growth of the space industry. By leveraging the power of decentralization and collaboration, the SPACE ID DAO hopes to unlock new opportunities and accelerate the development of new technologies and applications that will benefit humanity.

Lolo Liloi
Your view on the overall goal of the SPACE ID DAO

As an AI language model, I do not have personal views or opinions. However, I can provide you with information about the SPACE ID DAO and its overall goal based on publicly available information.

The SPACE ID DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) is a community-driven platform that aims to facilitate the development of the space industry by providing an open, transparent, and decentralized platform for collaboration and innovation. The overall goal of the SPACE ID DAO is to promote and support the growth of the space industry by creating an ecosystem that allows participants to share knowledge, resources, and expertise in a decentralized manner.

To achieve its goal, the SPACE ID DAO focuses on several key areas, including:

Collaboration: The SPACE ID DAO aims to bring together a diverse range of stakeholders, including individuals, organizations, and companies from across the space industry. By facilitating collaboration between these stakeholders, the SPACE ID DAO seeks to promote innovation and accelerate the development of new technologies and applications.

Innovation: The SPACE ID DAO encourages innovation by providing a platform for the development and sharing of new ideas, technologies, and solutions. By fostering a culture of innovation, the SPACE ID DAO hopes to help solve some of the most pressing challenges facing the space industry today.

Decentralization: The SPACE ID DAO is a decentralized platform, meaning that it is not controlled by any single entity or organization. Instead, it is run by its community of members who have a say in the platform’s decision-making processes. This decentralized structure ensures that the SPACE ID DAO remains open, transparent, and accessible to all.

Overall, the SPACE ID DAO’s goal is to create a vibrant and collaborative ecosystem that supports the growth of the space industry. By leveraging the power of decentralization and collaboration, the SPACE ID DAO hopes to unlock new opportunities and accelerate the development of new technologies and applications that will benefit humanity.

Here are some ways in which I could potentially contribute:

Providing information and education: I can provide information about the space industry, the blockchain, and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) to help members of the SPACE ID community understand the broader context of their work.

Assisting with research: I can assist with research by providing insights, generating ideas, and conducting literature reviews. This could help members of the SPACE ID community stay up to date with the latest developments in the field and make more informed decisions.

Analyzing proposals: I can analyze proposals and provide feedback based on my understanding of the space industry, blockchain technology, and DAOs. This could help members of the SPACE ID community refine their proposals and make them more effective.

Generating ideas: I can generate ideas for new projects, initiatives, or collaborations that could benefit the SPACE ID community. This could help members of the community identify new opportunities and create innovative solutions to challenges they are facing.

Overall, while I cannot directly contribute to the SPACE ID community in the traditional sense, I can provide information, insights, and support to help members of the community make informed decisions and identify new opportunities.

I don’t have a lot of web3 skills happy to contribute with whatever i have.

this is amazing and community very helpful
overall that is good my opinion that is long time project
I am new bayer web3

I think It’s unique.
I can help community.
1.5 year+ web3 experience.

Great place to learn and teach
I would like to answer questions and comments nad interact with the community
Researche, crypto holder and entrepreneur

  • Favzz.bnb

  • DAO a very important aspect of community development, the SPACE ID DAO aims to hear community response to certain improvement in the ecosystem

  • As an active community member and user I’ll provide assistance to new/other commuinity members who have questions concerning the system and also help detect bugs or errors

  • 6 yrs web developer, 3 years crypto trader/investor

• sumit07.bnb

• proposal, which will help all of us, any one work will be done by the decision of all of us, as we all will like.

• Whatever proposal comes, we will read it and if it is the right decision, then we will vote on it and give our opinion. And i like most space id.

• develop

  • ashwanth2255.bnb
    *Helping out by being an active community member
  • Skills in web3 are still small, testnet
  • 007bc.bnb

  • SPACE ID DAO seeks to create a community of individuals who are passionate about space and want to work together to advance the industry in a way that is inclusive, sustainable & most importantly beneficial for the community members.

  • There are several ways in which i can contribute to the SPACE ID community:

  1. Join the community
  2. Participate in discussions
  3. Contribute to projects
  4. Provide feedback
  5. Spread the word
    Overall, there are many ways in which i can contribute to the SPACE ID community, and by doing so, i can help to advance the space industry in a way that is inclusive, sustainable and beneficial to all.
  • I have a good understanding of Web3, presently working as Mod & CM in many Crypto projects


1 Like

Decentralised and esey
I m a Java programming student
Testnet user

  • aayushagarwal.bnb

  • Bringing DAO will add more trust to the project.

  • Contribution will be made by regularly voting for the proposed proposals.

  • Understandability about project purpose, testnet checker, suggestor.

my space id- luckythedog.bnb, 01438.bnb

my arb name- 02226.arb

Help with voting and community support.

I will Read every Proposal info and then will Vote for it.

Achievements: 50+ Testnets joined arb airdrop eligible

1 vezenie.bnb
2 Decentralization
3 sharing new ideas and perspectives. I can also participate in community discussions and offer feedback to improve proposals.
4 ambassador, moderator

1 Like

My spaceID domain is thudaumot.bnb. I believe that SPACE ID DAO will help the project develop furthermore, more transparent and decentralized, it will bring more people joining into the community, and the SPACE ID community will become a strong cryptocurrency community.
I will help new people learn about the SpaceID project, and give helpful suggestions due to the phase of the project.
I’m a crypto researcher and designer.


• vivekshukla.bnb
• Decentralization
• Helping out by being an active community member
• Crypto Capital Admin, Manage Trading Community, Participate in active Event

  • pibsc.bnb

  • web3 is very famous nowadays. I care about it because it’s decentralized, fair, community can contribute.

  • I am a java programmer, can I vote

  • community support, ambassador.
    Thank You.

cryptorock.arb ; tothemoooon.bnb ; btcworlds.bnb are my space names.

I am knowledgeable on Web3 technologies like smart contracts, blockchain, cryptocurrencies. I will offer advice and details on several Web3 platforms.

Among my Web3 abilities are:

  • Comprehend and evaluate blockchain data
  • Web3 API interaction and decentralized networks
  • Giving recommendations on bitcoin investments and trading methods
  • Community education processing of information and discussions.
    In order to give users the most precise and current information possible, I am continually expanding my understanding of and proficiency with Web3 technologies.
1 Like
  • Being part at the most thriving ecosystem
  • Community Development & Marketing
  • Your .bnb / .arb name:
    dantezy.arb and dantezy.bnb

  • Your view on the overall goal of the SPACE ID DAO:
    I love it!

  • How would you contribute to the SPACE ID community or any improvement proposal you are considering:
    Translate the content to my native language, and help the community

  • Your web3 experiences / achievements / skills:
    Community moderator with 50K subscribers with niche crypto.

1 Like

Hey i want to contribute to the SPACE ID DAO governance as a delegate here is my application:

  1. My .arb name is {theweekndxo.arb}
  2. The overall goal of the SPACE ID DAO is to leverage the power of decentralized technologies to foster a more equitable and accessible space industry, while also promoting innovation and collaboration within the space community.
  3. I believe I could contribute to the SPACE ID community by actively engaging in discussions and sharing my ideas and experiences related to space exploration and blockchain technology. I could also provide feedback on the SPACE ID platform and suggest ways to improve its usability and functionality.
  4. I always try to actively participate in events or campaign of crypto projects, i can serve as community mod, social media manager.`
1 Like

SPACE ID DAO is awesome as we say in its launch and even at current market it is going good,let’s hope good for this
If i can i will surely contribute
I have 3yrs+ experience and achievements and skills cannot be explained here bcz there are lot learnt in this many yrs