Delegate Application Template (Part 1)

name: btcairdrops.bnb

Your view on the overall goal of the SPACE ID DAO: My view is that to make a Your own Wallet by the Name of (SID) Wallet.

How would you contribute to the SPACE ID community or any improvement proposal you are considering: To do some big airdrops for the community to interact them to the project and do some big partnership like : Binance(Not a lauching our token their) , Arbitrum, and with also Optimisim, and the main thing also support the Polygon network coz it is soooooo young then other Networks. In today lifes the Youth people can do change so also think about the polygon.

experience: Advisor , Hacke*

Decentralizztion, publicity
Testnet, learn about Web3

  • gouravcrypto.bnb
  • decentralization,participation,publicity
  • helping out by being an active community member
  • Web3 skills are still developing testnet, achievements

-Creating relevant articles and sharing new ideas and perspectives. I can also participate in community discussions and offer feedback to improve proposals.

  1. Your .bnb / .arb name: chlo3.bnb
  2. Your view on the overall goal of the SPACE ID DAO: Space ID DAO allows for community participation and decision-making, ensuring that the platform aligns with the needs and preferences of its users.
  3. How would you contribute to the SPACE ID community or any improvement proposal you are considering: Wherever possible, I am willing to assist other members of the community on Discord and Twitter.
  4. Your web3 experiences / achievements / skills: Despite being involved in Crypto since 2018, I am constantly discovering new information on a daily basis. My interests primarily lie in Web 3, Defi, and Crypto. I am highly engaged in the web3 community and make active contributions on various Discord servers and social media to the best of my ability. I tend to try out new dApps almost everyday, help them point out bugs etc.

ā€¢ shivam7181.bnb
ā€¢ proposal, which will help all of us, any one work will be done by the decision of all of us, as we all will like
ā€¢ Whatever proposal comes we will read it and if it is the right decision, then we will vote on it and give our opinion
ā€¢ Developer

Community driven
By voting

ā€¢ azaad.bnb
ā€¢ In my view DAO goal is to make synergistic decisions
ā€¢ I will contribute what I can for the dao
ā€¢ 1 year experience

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:black_circle: proposal, which will help all of us, any one work will be done by the decision of all of us, as we all will like

:black_circle: Whatever proposal comes, we will read it and if it is the right decision, then we will vote on it and give our opinion.

:black_circle: devloper

transparent, fair, equality
Vote, programmer(python), willing to work on new tool, fast learner.
web3 have some skills, contract, token, minting etc.


Here we can take decision with more than one mind and get the better out of best. Dao help to take the right decision with other decision making also for the betterment.

I like the idea of space Id Dao. Giving the power of decision-making to the hands of active community members and ID token holders.

I can contribute to helping other community members on Discord wherever possible. Iā€™m also making a team so I can help everyone

I am in Crypto recently 2but still learning new things every day now. Web 3, Defi, and Crypto are of my interest. I do not have much experience in building dApps but I am very active in the web3 space


Space id dao will be very helpful to the upcoming projects in the fair and transparent way as the the community members actively take part in it.

I will help it as a active member and help it every possible way.

I love to research things and enthusiastic in web3 products and a good learner.

proposal, which will help all of us, any one work will be done by the decision of all of us, as we all

will like

ā€¢ Whatever proposal comes, we will read it and if it is the right decision, then we will vote on it and give our opinion.

Its very good project
I can become an application tester, as well as a translator into Russian
Tested for several years about 20 projects, including exchanges and games. I am also currently a translator at Soup Finance and an ambassador at

  • ganesh77.bnb/arbibnb.arb
  • proposal, which will help all of us, any one work will be done by the decision of all of us, as we all will like.
  • whatever proposal comes, we will read it and if it is the right decision, then we will vote on it and give our opinion.
  • devloper
  1. nagaraj.bnb
  2. Great move, Having visionary views to build the project for the community.
  3. Supports voting proposal and support in decision making to provide equal opportunities.
  4. Ongoing participation in Hooked Protocolā€™s Web3 events, cyberconnect link3 events, delegator at Stargate finance on layer zero protocol, etc. And Iā€™m still a learner.
  1. zhiddens.bnb
  2. My view on the overall goal of the SPACE ID DAO:
    -The platform utilizes blockchain and other web3 technologies to ensure privacy and security. The goal of SPACE ID DAO is to provide users with better solutions for their digital identity.
  3. How would you contribute to the SPACE ID community or any improvement proposal you are considering:
    Iā€™ll participate in community discussions and offer feedback to improve proposals. I believe that by actively engaging with the community, I can contribute to the development of SPACE ID DAO.
  4. My web3 experiences / achievements / skills:
    I have experience in community management, and decentralised finance

ā€¢ scantx.bnb
ā€¢ metavers.arb

ā€¢proposal,wich will help all of us , any one work will be done by the decision of all of us,as we all will like

ā€¢whatever proposal comes , we will read it and if it is the right decision,then we will vote on it and give our opinion.


*Your .bnb / .arb name: dharheymore.bnb
*Your view on the overall goal of the SPACE ID DAO: transparency and carrying along the community
*How would you contribute to the SPACE ID community or any improvement proposal you are considering: Bring more users to SpaceID by spreading SpaceID to every corner of web2 and web3
*Your web3 experiences / achievements / skills: a moderator, community manager, great memer and a cool guy.

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