The ability to register domains for 3, 6 months domains alongside the 12 months


Adding the ability to register domains for 3, 6 months domains alongside the 12 months to interact more users


This will make Space ID service more accessible by introducing new 3 and 6-month registration options alongside the existing 12-month option. This change aims to attract a broader user base in economically disadvantaged regions where the current $5 price might be a barrier (Especially that the floor price is very low). It also allows users to try the service without committing to a full year. Lower prices for the shorter durations are expected to increase user engagement and adoption of Space ID’s web3 domain service.


Adding 2 registration choices (3 months, 6 months, alongside the 12 months) to Space ID’s registration page. The prices for the shorter periods will be more affordable to entice potential users. By offering this flexibility, we hope to encourage more/new users to give Space ID a go, and if they find it beneficial, they can consider renewing for longer durations.

Expected Outcomes:

By introducing 3 and 6-month registration options, we anticipate a significant increase in user engagement. Users who were hesitant to commit to a full year and pay 5$ will now find it easier to explore and experience the benefits of web3 domains.

Potential Downsides:

At present, there are no downsides. However, we will continuously monitor user feedback.


It can be completed within one month, including development, testing, to ensure a smooth user experience.


A rather logical proposal considering that now there is a possibility of extending the domain registration period for any period at all.

Registration for a short period can still be considered as a kind of test period, because many are not sure that they need a domain for a long time.

At the same time, if a user wants to save money, it is more expedient for him to simply buy a domain from the secondary market. There are plenty of offers for sale for every taste.


good idea, ( Lower prices for shorter durations are expected to increase user engagement and adoption of Space ID’s web3 domain service ), I support your idea