[Proposal] Drafting the SPACE ID DAO Constitution


The aim of this proposal is to devise an authoritative charter - a constitution for the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) of SPACE ID. This document seeks to institutionalize the collective consensus, providing a robust framework for governance, outlining decision-making protocols, and setting rules and regulations, hence providing a clear, cohesive foundation for the effective operation of our DAO.


The objective of this constitution is manifold. The immediate purpose is to establish the bedrock principles that will guide the administration and the community of the DAO. This constitutional framework will facilitate clarity on protocols, delineate responsibilities and powers vested in DAO members, describe the electoral and voting mechanisms, detail the adjudication and conflict resolution methodologies, and clarify the overarching ethos, mission, and vision of SPACE ID. In a broader sense, the constitution will seek to embody the spirit of decentralization and democratization that underpins the very fabric of blockchain technologies, ensuring these principles permeate the entire gamut of operations within our organization.


The scope of drafting this constitution covers several core elements integral to the functioning of our DAO:

  1. Structural Integrity: Elucidating the governance structure of the DAO, highlighting roles and responsibilities of members, the hierarchical or non-hierarchical arrangements, and the nature of checks and balances.
  2. Decision-making Protocols: Enumerating the processes for proposal initiation, voting mechanics, quorum requirements, and decision enactment.
  3. Transparency and Accountability: Instituting policies to foster a transparent ecosystem, promoting accountability at all levels of operation.
  4. Conflict Resolution: Setting up dispute resolution frameworks, determining the due process for internal conflict adjudication.
  5. Financial Administration: Outlining protocols for fund allocation, guidelines for use of funds, and strategies to ensure the DAO’s long-term financial health.


The implementation plan is designed as a six-step process:

  1. Formation of the drafting committee: A call for volunteers will be initiated within the DAO community to form a drafting committee.
  2. Inclusive Consultation: The committee will facilitate participatory consultations and brainstorming sessions with the DAO community to garner diverse perspectives, ensuring a comprehensive constitution that reflects collective wisdom.
  3. Drafting Process: Leveraging insights from the consultations, the committee will craft the constitution, making conscientious efforts to embody the ethos of the DAO, decentralization, and the unique vision of SPACE ID.
  4. Community Review: The draft constitution will be open for scrutiny by the wider DAO community, encouraging feedback to ensure broad agreement.
  5. Iterative Amendment: In light of the feedback, necessary modifications will be made to produce a refined draft that reflects the DAO community’s shared understanding.
  6. Community Ratification: The final draft will be put forth for a DAO-wide vote. Upon majority approval, it will be formally instituted as the DAO’s official constitution.


  1. Formation of the committee: August 2023
  2. Inclusive Consultation: August - September 2023
  3. Drafting Process: October - December 2023
  4. Community Review: January 2024
  5. Iterative Amendment: February - March 2024
  6. Community Ratification: April 2024

While the committee will be constituted on a voluntary basis, ancillary costs, including operational expenses for online collaboration tools and research resources, must be factored in.

Expected Outcomes

The successful implementation of the constitution promises several positive outcomes:

  1. Robust Governance: The constitution will establish a solid foundation for DAO governance, leading to more effective administration and decision-making processes.
  2. Increased Transparency: The clarity provided by the constitution will bolster trust within the DAO community, promoting an environment of openness and accountability.
  3. Conflict Mitigation: With clear mechanisms for conflict resolution, disputes within the DAO can be more efficiently resolved.
  4. Enhanced Participation: A well-structured constitution will encourage broader participation by the DAO community in the decision-making processes.

Potential pitfalls include disagreements on the constitution’s provisions, leading to possible delays. However, these can be mitigated by ensuring an inclusive and participatory approach throughout the drafting process.

Additional Information

Updates pertaining to the constitution drafting process will be disseminated through our existing communication channels. We invite our DAO community to actively participate in this seminal exercise as we aim to institutionalize a robust, transparent, and accountable governance system, thereby reinforcing the very ethos of our DAO.


Making a constitution would be the right step, since Space DAO is still very early and sometimes it is clear that users are not interested in the DAO.
This is expressed in the fact that, for example, there was a decrease in the threshold for the number of votes to pass the vote or an attempt to attract users to delegate their votes to delegates at the last airdrop (from the second season).
In fact, now only a few users who have millions of ID tokens can make any decision in the DAO.

I think that first we need to somehow interest users to delegate votes, or to participate in the voting themselves.