ID as payment in ALL NETWORKS

Firstly, I understand that there is such a line in the roadmap as “Implementation of ID as Payment Token on SPACE ID”
But I would just like to express my opinion and the opinion of the community about how it would be great to implement.

The problem
Now the site has the opportunity to work with domains in the binance smart chain, arbitrum and ethereum networks. Other blockchains will be added soon.
What does a user need in order to register a domain in at least three networks? You need to have bnb on the bsc network, eth on the arbitrum network and eth on the ethereum network. Further requirements will only grow
At the same time, you need to calculate how much money you need to leave to pay the network commission for a particular blockchain.

The solution
It would be much more convenient if domains in all networks could be paid for with ID tokens. To do this, you need to implement something like a payment gateway.

What would be the benefit of implementing this proposal?
For the end user, this greatly simplifies the process of interacting with domains, which is one of the main tasks for Space ID.
For Space ID, this significantly reduces the demand for the ID token and its application.