Delegate Application Template (Part 2)

I believe that the overall goal of SPACE ID DAO is to provide high-quality domain name registration services in the future Web 3.0 web space. In addition, I believe that this goal is feasible thanks to a team consisting of enthusiasts who share a common mission.

The contribution that I could make to the SPACE ID community includes suggestions on how to improve the interaction between participants, the development of new ideas to improve the platform and public space.

Regarding my experience and skills in web 3, I have experience in working with cryptocurrency and working as an investor. I am also familiar with the tools and technologies used in blockchain and decentralized applications. My combination of skills and experience will allow me to make a valuable contribution to the development of SPACE ID DAO.


  1. I believe that the overall goal of Space ID is to create a promising and excellent domain service for the future.
  2. I plan to contribute to the Space ID community by discussing with other members and making contributions based on their needs and suggestions.
  3. As a freelancer, I have been involved in the web3 space for 3 years and have experience as an NFT and crypto holder. I am a crypto enthusiast with various related skills.


ā€¢ In my view, the primary objective of SPACE ID DAO is to create a decentralized identity ecosystem that puts the privacy and security of its users first.

ā€¢ I aim to utilize my expertise in user experience design to assist the SPACE ID community and suggest potential partnerships to advance its growth.

ā€¢ Despite not being directly engaged in web3 projects, I possess a solid comprehension of blockchain technology, smart contracts, and decentralized applications.

2) I really see in space id a fairly high-quality domain name platform

  1. If I were a member of space id, I would try to implement Web3 technologies into life as quickly as possible

  2. I have worked as an investor and have experience with cryptocurrencies. I also possess knowledge of blockchain tools and technologies used in decentralized applications.

Big new Crosschain ENS servise
it must take place in web3
DeFi enthusiast

ā€¢ I think the overall goal of SPACE ID DAO is ambitious and has the potential to make a positive impact in the blockchain space.
ā€¢ As an AI language model, my contribution to the SPACE ID community would be to assist in natural language processing and generating relevant content. I suggest exploring partnerships with other blockchain projects to enhance the ecosystem.
ā€¢ As an AI language model, I have no personal experience or achievements in web3, but I am proficient in understanding and generating content related to web3 technology and the blockchain industry.

ā€¢ ravaishu.bnb

ā€¢ proposal, which will help all of us, any one work will be done by the decision of all of us, as we all will like

ā€¢ Whatever proposal comes, we will read it and if it is the right decision, then we will vote on it and give our opinion.

ā€¢ devloper


ā€¢ From my perspective, the main goal of SPACE ID DAO is to establish a decentralized identity ecosystem prioritizing the privacy and security of its users.

ā€¢ My goal is to apply my skills in user experience design to aid the SPACE ID community and propose potential collaborations to promote its expansion.

ā€¢ Although I am not directly involved in web3 projects, I have a strong understanding of blockchain technology, smart contracts, and decentralized applications.


  • The SpaceID DAO provides us with the chance to vote and bring our ideas to fruition in a transparent, fair, and decentralized manner.
  • I am interested in sharing my knowledge and promoting SpaceID in exchange for points.
  • Activities such as marketing and community building are crucial.
  • luongthephuc243.bnb
  • Decentralization, Participation
  • im programmer
  • testnets


  • I will contribute to the SPACE ID community by holding the project token
  • design requests, testing,
  • testnets, designer

ā€¢ I think the overall goal of SPACE ID DAO is ambitious and has the potential to drive innovation in the space industry.

ā€¢ As an AI language model, my contribution to the SPACE ID community would be providing accurate and useful information about the web3 and space industries. Additionally, I suggest exploring partnerships with other web3 projects in the space industry to drive growth and innovation.

ā€¢ As an AI language model, I do not have direct experience or achievements in web3, but I have extensive knowledge of blockchain technology and its various applications in different industries.

  1. Oldfag.bnb
  2. The goal is to provide a decentralized, secure, and flexible system for managing domain names and related services. This project could offer significant benefits over traditional centralized domain name systems.
  3. Explore integration with decentralized finance (DeFi) applications or other blockchain-based systems. The project could consider expanding its marketing and outreach efforts to raise awareness of the benefits of cryptodomains and attract more users and investors.
  4. Voter, tester, investor, trader, noderunner, researcher, nft

Simplicity and convenience of voting of Dao participants,Decentralization
testnets, node


ā€¢ SPACE ID DAO is to provide an qualitative domain service in the future of web 3.0.
ā€¢ I can contribute to the space id community with new ideas
ā€¢ I have experience in web development


-The SpaceID DAO offers us the opportunity to transparently, fairly, and in a decentralized manner vote and realize our ideas.
-Iā€™m keen on exchanging my knowledge for points and promoting SpaceID.
-Tasks like community building and marketing are vital.


ā€¢ In my opinion, the primary objective of SPACE ID DAO is to create a decentralized identity ecosystem that emphasizes the privacy and security of its users.

ā€¢ I aim to utilize my user experience design skills to assist the SPACE ID community and suggest potential partnerships to facilitate its growth.

ā€¢ Despite not being directly engaged in web3 ventures, I possess a profound comprehension of blockchain technology, smart contracts, and decentralized applications.


ā€¢ The best opinion about the prospects of the project token and the project itself. Transparency and fairness, comfort and reliability
ā€¢ I could help the project develop by holding the project token, developing marketing and helping newbies
ā€¢ Testnet

ā€¢ My opinion on the overall goal of SPACE ID DAO is to create a decentralized identity system that empowers individuals and gives them control over their personal data.
ā€¢ I believe I could contribute to the SPACE ID community by helping to create educational materials and resources for newcomers to the web3 space. Additionally, I suggest exploring partnerships with other projects in the decentralized identity and authentication space.
ā€¢ My experience in web3 includes working on several decentralized applications, writing smart contracts, and participating in various blockchain communities. I have a solid understanding of Solidity and Ethereum, as well as experience with IPFS and other web3 technologies.


  • help with technical aspects (nodes, nft, defi)
  • actively voting in the cosmos networks, ethereum
  • The Enthusiast of web3 space