Delegate Application Template (Part 1)


Space ID DAO gives the community fairness and also help them that is so nice overall fact. And then it gives decentralization…
I think that the DAO is in the right way that you have already proved and move on…
I’m a researcher and so interested in ID…


My overall goal is to become a richest

Definitely will contribute to the SPACE ID community or any improvement proposal by sharing good ideas and will make Space ID to become the number 1 cryptocurrency.

My web3 experience is very good and will reach most of the tokens.

• abhi56.bnb
• Decentralization
• Helping out by being an active community member
• Participate in active events , trading and exploring new projects I have been working as a freelancer for about 2-3 years

Helping out by being an active community member
Participate in active events , trading and exploring new projects I have been working as a freelancer for about 2-3 years


I believe it’s amazing & unique that I’d love to share my expertise in Marketing & Promotion of SPACE ID. Since I’m a newbie in WEB3, I’m impressed with your service.
Best of Luck!

*El vostre nom .bnb/.arb: triskelcat.arb

  • La vostra visió sobre l’objectiu general de SPACE ID DAO: a la web 3.0, el propi domini de spaceid és el servei de domini més prometedor i excel·lent del futur!
  • Com contribuiríeu a la comunitat SPACE ID o a qualsevol proposta de millora que estigueu considerant: estic disposat a fer una contribució en funció de les vostres necessitats
  • Les vostres experiències / assoliments / habilitats web3: Creació de llocs web

ID name: onus1.bnb
SPACE ID DAO is a project, and is a great potential coin of the binance smart bep20 network… helping the project community to be transparent, fair, objective and a common voice of the participants of this project. .
Help support information, answer questions and connect the web community3

1 Like
  • 300895.bnb
  • 300895.arb
  • Help with voting and community support
  • Tesnets
  1. ngeteh.arb

  2. Next-gen universal name service network, register, trade, manage web3 domains and provide access to developers such as SDKs and API.

  3. I will contribute to the proposal and choose a positive impact on the SPACE ID community.

  4. 3 years of experience in blockchain, programmer, nodes, testnets, web3, traders and defi users.


Providing valuable insights and recommendations to help enhance the functionality and accessibility of the decentralized domain name system.

Help with voting and community support and involve in discussions.


-aceman.bnb / aceman.arb
-This is really a good experience and good for the future so that the ideals of decentralization can be increasingly achieved for the common goal.
-I will support your project to the best of my ability and be a part of your solid community.
-I am a crypto enthusiast who has more than 3 years of experience, I am also a freelancer.

With strong communitty we can make it our dreams come true



Everything you need is here. SPACE ID is also the primary name service provider of multiple web3 top-level domains. The only service you need to integrate all Web3 name services, including .eth, .bnb, and .arb. The naming service gives everyone in web3 the power of identity, not just a string of letters and numbers.

SPACE ID DAO helps the project community to be good and objective Leading to success.
Help to others and support community to answer questions.
Researcher / community builder

goal of space id dao to make decentralised decision making for the community
i will support good proposal
i am expert in community moderation in web3

Your .bnb / .arb name: xvoid.bnb
Your view on the overall goal of the SPACE ID DAO: “Our DAO is governed by $ID token holders and controls the funds held in the DAO Treasury. It will ultimately provide a framework for our community to collaborate on projects, share resources, and work together towards common goals, all within a much more transparent, secure, and decentralized environment” - My view is that the Delegates should be as diverse as much as possible - Geographically , in Age, Gender, educational & Work experience. This will avoid group think and hep the project to bring collective talent to the DAO
How would you contribute to the SPACE ID community or any improvement proposal you are considering: I am an Entrepreneur running my own SME , have Masters in Engineering and a work experience of over 25 years globally.
Your web3 experiences / achievements / skills: About 7 years experience in web3 projects

    • wildhorse.bnb
    • Your view on the overall goal of the SPACE ID DAO: I don’t have much opinion
    • How would you contribute to the SPACE ID community or any improvement proposal you are considering: introduce more people to know more about DAO SPACE ID
    • Your web3 experiences / achievements / skills: outstanding

-to establish a decentralized autonomous organization that provides a secure and reliable platform for individuals to manage and utilize their digital identities. The platform utilizes blockchain and other web3 technologies to ensure privacy and security. The goal of SPACE ID DAO is to provide users with better solutions for their digital identity.
-Vote & Delegating into Space ID, discuss with community about future plan and growing
-Web3 programmer, Beta testing, Moderator, etc.


Developers must be loyal to a solid community and support for the progress of a project
I want to develop marketing skills for a project that is loyal to the community


It allows the making of decision to be in the hands of ID token holders and also the active community members

Community support

Blockchain developer