Delegate Application Template (Part 1)

SipalingHoki. bnb


I plan to Help by being an active member of the community

I am a web3 enthusiast with Frontend Development skills. I’m a fast learner and I’m willing to work with any available tool

  • Reactjs developer
  • Researcher
  • 5 months of Discord Mod Experience.


I like the optimistic goal from SPACE ID.
I am not good at planning, but mostly i like testing a project that in tesnet phase. i will be happy if SPACE ID give me some opportunity to contribute to the project with my experience.

• shah123momi

• increase level knowledge web3

• supporting dao and contribute

• i have experience 2 years

Your .bnb / .arb name:

rajeshpareek.bnb /Name :Rajesh pareek

Your view on the overall goal of the SPACE ID DAO:

Actually I am A
DAO Explorer And I am Here In Crypto Industy from Last 5.2 Years Approx . And According To My Expiriance SPACE ID Is Doing Great Becouse SpaceId Is Solve Real Life Problems And Space Id Future Is Bright No Doubt

How would you contribute to the SPACE ID community or any improvement proposal you are considering:

So As I Previously Said I Am a Dao Explorer And Software Developer. I Can Help You In Building the Best Products For Our Community And As A Dao I Can Help You In Building Strong Community I Am Also A Frontend And Backend Developer I Can Manage Any Software

Your web3 experiences/achievements/skills: Im in Web3 from 4 - 5 years / I have 3 Projects On Web3 / javascript, node js, python, java,c,c++, dart

thank you


• This project aims to enable the discovery, registration, trading and management of Web3 domains. Apart from that, the project also includes the Web3 Name SDK & API which allows developers to build and integrate all their Web3 identities into a single toolkit.

• Committed to Advancing community
• Providing Innovation


・I believe that DID technology must be mass-adapted and permeate the real lives of many people.

・Help with community support

・I have almost no skills in the technical aspects of web3.

  • kuranagi.bnb / kuranagi.arb
  • Space id make easily to remember my evm address, popular and cheap
  • As a user, i can only testing product, give review and report any bug
  • Swap & Bridge, Arbitrage trader

It was nyc
By the help with voting
Doing testnets & developer

my arb name : youngmoses.arb
space id has a decentralization project
hold token and support all project


-Decentralization, Governance Participation, Community Building

-Community Participation & Tester and DAO

-Dapps Tester, Ambassador

1 Like

very good projects

1 Like

Nama .bnb / .arb Anda: 0x9351a49f9c588F215d04880850e12B70b4A4FCF0

Pandangan Anda tentang tujuan keseluruhan SPACE ID DAO:
Saya yakin tujuan keseluruhan SPACE ID DAO adalah untuk membentuk organisasi otonom terdesentralisasi yang menyediakan platform yang aman dan andal bagi individu untuk mengelola dan memanfaatkan identitas digital mereka. Platform ini menggunakan blockchain dan teknologi web3 lainnya untuk memastikan privasi dan keamanan. Tujuan SPACE ID DAO adalah memberikan solusi yang lebih baik kepada pengguna untuk identitas digital mereka.

Bagaimana Anda berkontribusi pada komunitas SPACE ID atau proposal peningkatan apa pun yang Anda pertimbangkan:
Sebagai blogger informasi web3, saya dapat membantu meningkatkan profil SPACE ID DAO dengan membuat artikel yang relevan dan berbagi ide dan perspektif baru. Saya juga dapat berpartisipasi dalam diskusi komunitas dan menawarkan umpan balik untuk menyempurnakan proposal. Saya percaya bahwa dengan aktif terlibat dengan komunitas, saya dapat berkontribusi dalam pengembangan SPACE ID DAO.

Pengalaman / prestasi / keterampilan web3 Anda:
Saya seorang blogger informasi, yang berspesialisasi dalam pelaporan tentang teknologi web3. Saya memiliki pengalaman dan keterampilan yang luas di web3, termasuk mengembangkan dan menggunakan aplikasi blockchain, menulis kontrak pintar, dan menggunakan bursa dan dompet terdesentralisasi. Saya juga akrab dengan bidang-bidang seperti DeFi dan NFT, dan telah mencapai beberapa keberhasilan dan pengalaman di bidang tersebut. Saya percaya bahwa saya dapat memberikan kontribusi yang berharga untuk SPACE ID DAO.

  • 888xyzid.arb
  • collected some galxe OAT
  • Investor/trader
  • Testnet,Whitelist,Gamer


I love this idea of space Id Dao, I shared with my social media group for contribute and helping other community members on discord, Twitter & wherever possible.

In addition, web3 experience is very fabulous and so smoothly understandable. Just perfect :blush: thankyou for creating such useful projects.

Space ID will be on the top list of its DAO.
I Contributing by ita social task and voting.
I m testnet user and DAO voter.

Help with voting and community support
active in all event to support SPACE ID project
tester and active member

  • *Your .bnb / .arb name: s3rhat.bnb
  • *Your view on the overall goal of the SPACE ID DAO: Space ID is unique name service for everyone’s wallet. This kind of a service has to DAO. DAO makes the project great.
  • *How would you contribute to the SPACE ID community or any improvement proposal you are considering: making new protocols with other ID services and take feedback from them.
  • *Your web3 experiences / achievements / skills: i have been 3 years in web3. I lived many things, saw huge DAOs and great communities which makes the best projects. I know the web3 basics, DeFi, smart contracts, NFT space, how to use testnet and mainnets.

• starlinka.arb / kontoll.bnb

• I think it’s great for all domains and nfts in the future to make it easier for users to find their own address and of course it’s decentralized

• Help with voting and community support and investor

• Programmer, Editing, Testnet


  • Decentralisation
  • Can add value as an active community member
  • Have experience as community mod and in blockchain in general



Active community member

Passionate, enthusiast