Delegate Application Template (Part 1)

SipalingHoki. bnb


I plan to Help by being an active member of the community

I am a web3 enthusiast with Frontend Development skills. I’m a fast learner and I’m willing to work with any available tool

  • Reactjs developer
  • Researcher
  • 5 months of Discord Mod Experience.

My bnb name: nineten.bnb

I joined the voyage v2 event, this is an amazing project, I hope it will be useful for everyone


Space Id have High reputation and strong real name, I hope more friends will participate in the understand.

  1. lodhi.bnb
  2. SPACE ID DAO’s goal is to become a leading force in the development of the space industry, and to create a more decentralized, inclusive, and collaborative approach to space exploration and commercialization.
  3. I can assist with the development of communication strategies and outreach efforts aimed at promoting the SPACE ID community and its mission.
  4. I can process and analyze data from blockchain networks, including Ethereum, Bitcoin, and other popular blockchains and I have also been generating content for blockchain-related websites and social media channels.


My view: pretty good with decentralization, and the relationship between members and space id is pretty good.

My contribution is to help fellow communities and always participate in space id activities

My experience in web3 is still quite small, and I’m always learning continuous


-Decentralization, Governance Participation, Community Building

-Community Participation & Tester and DAO

-Dapps Tester, Ambassador

• punkspace.bnb
• hope it’s a good project
• community support
• beta tester and other tests


This is definitely going to be HUGE! as the team has been an inspiration in their innovative approaches towards achieving the project goals and visions , I am so glad to be part of this.

contribute to the SPACE ID community by being active in the community helping each other among members and sharing with others so that the community gets bigger

my web3 experiences node operator, testing metaverse game and playing them. and several game collections

I think SPACE ID DAO’s goals very real and logical.
I would tell people the advantages of web3 one by one.
I am newbie for web3.

M name is Travis and I’m from Vietnam. Currently, I work full time in the cryptocurrency market, with my main job being community management, researching potential projects, and providing high-quality content on potential projects in the crypto market.
My name is Travis and I’m from Vietnam. Currently, I work full time in the cryptocurrency market, with my main job being community management, researching potential projects, and providing high-quality content on potential projects in the crypto market.

I love DeFi and have a strong passion for the domain name. I believe that domain name is the future of the crypto market and it will have deep and wide-ranging applications in life.

cubby. bnb
I really like that name, like someone here
I’m very interested in the project from SPACE ID
I’m very new but will continue to learn

  • albertwilliamrh.bnb
  • The overall goal of the SPACE ID DAO is to create a decentralized ecosystem for space exploration and development that democratizes access to space and promotes sustainable and equitable utilization of space resources.
  • I’m an investor, so I can invest my money and spend time to try some products that took my attention
  • Joining some products in testnet time and investing some long-term project
  • osiris.bnb
  • great and i hope SPACE ID DAO as DAO platform no 1
  • I will propose suggestions to the development team if I have an opinion that is very useful for the SPACE ID DAO project.
  • I understand blockchain and smart contracts mekanism
I consider the purpose of this space id very good, where we need to have an identity in web3, of course this identity is not only an l name, but has its own uniqueness that other projects in web3 do not have.
I want to be part of space id with the skills I have.
I’ve been in the aptos community, where I acted as an early adopter, and bug hunter

• ethdubai.bnb
• I think everything is neatly arranged with a clear project structure
• Start inviting friends to join web3, especially on the space id platform that can create domains
• My experience so far can clearly see how development is loyal to the community by sharing ID space tokens when launching


Space Id token use governance DAO feedback voting community

Power space id use give fundraising, feedback to community 2 year

Web2 to web3 sosial media


  • I plan on Helping out by being an active community member
  • I am a web3 enthusiast with Frontend Development skill. I’m a fast learner and I’m willing to work with
    any tools available
    *Reactjs Developer
    *7 months Discord Mod Experience

1 . Name : nostall.bnb

2 . I see that SPACE ID is not just a domain, but a very extraordinary web3 project. maybe in the future SPACE ID will issue more innovation than other projects. continued success SPACE ID DAO

  1. I can contribute to the community, share things on my Twitter about space id, promote SPACE ID so that more people will know it

  2. as a trader, NFT, testnet user, node validator



. Doni94.bnb
.exsaitic and good projek
.trading,maining and staking
.tesnet and mainnet

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My name is: kunwar.bnb

Great day for every space I’d users :ok_hand:

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