Delegate Application Template (Part 1)


I eagerly waiting to participate governance project of SPACE ID DAO,looking unique and good everyone searching this type of project to inverse lots of money,hope 2023 to the moon.

I will contribute to the community to help in discord to clear the doubts web3 and gonna vote as well.

im a trader and inverster joined last year made good profits in airdrops learned so many things still learning.

My .bnb / .arb name:
tpvision.bnb / souravpundir.arb

My view on the overall goal of the SPACE ID DAO:

In My opinion , the goal should be to create a decentralized, transparent, and autonomous organization that promotes community governance,.

How would you contribute to the SPACE ID community or any improvement proposal you are considering:

My Goal would be ensure the DAO actually lives upto the its definition. If it lacks in any of the aspect I would raise my concern with a proposal.

I have decent experience and skills in web3,using blockchain applications , decentralized exchanges and wallets. Also have fair amount of understanding of Defi etc.


SPACE ID DAO helps the project community to learn more information about the project and answer questions

I can create videos and some blogs to help people learn more about projects


space id dao is to provide users with better solutions for their digital identity.
actively engaging with the community
nft ,visualizer

our .bnb/.arb name: wilsondaimary.bnb

Your view on the overall goal of the SPACE ID DAO: Wonderful project great community

How would you contribute to the SPACE ID community or any improvement proposal you are considering: By voting activities

Your web3 experiences / achievements / skills: Testnet activities, Dao voting

  • Your .bnb / .arb name: xandry.bnb / xandry.arb

  • Your view on the overall goal of the SPACE ID DAO:
    It’s great that all operations with domain names in three networks can be performed in one place. It’s very convenient
    I really look forward to when it will be possible to pay for all domains with one token, because it will greatly simplify the life of ordinary users, especially newcomers to the world of cryptocurrencies
    Space ID definitely makes web3 easier and more convenient.
    Such a powerful tool definitely needs community control, just so that no one does bad things there, so that everything is transparent
    In addition, no project can do without DAO now, this is a trend

  • How would you contribute to the SPACE ID community or any improvement proposal you are considering:
    I can be a relay between the Russian-speaking community and the DAO. That is, in any case, I will translate the proposals into Russian and voice them to our community, since I am already an active member of the Space ID discord, so why don’t I return the proposals from the community back to the DAO?

  • Your web3 experiences / achievements / skills:
    As I already wrote here:
    I am xandry - xandry.bnb#2646 from discord (proud owner of the roles of Space Nova, .bnb domain owner, .arb domain owner, Spacerunners, Space Neon, etc.).

As a proof:

I regularly translate news on Space ID into Russian and keep the Russian-speaking community up to date with events that occur in Space ID.
I broadcast all the news to the forum
Space ID - универсальные имена вместо адресов!
I’m moderator on bitcointalk since 2014 and discord moderator.

  • Your .bnb / .arb name:

  • Your view on the overall goal of the SPACE ID DAO:
    This concept seems perfectly reasonable, as it puts the authority to make decisions in the hands of engaged members and holders of ID tokens. Overall DAO main principles as transparency, and a lack of central authority are superb.

  • How would you contribute to the SPACE ID community or any improvement proposal you are considering:
    I have quite wide experience in software development: ObjC, Swift, TS, GrahpQL maybe that would be helpful. I also plan to actively engage with the community. I speak and write russian as well (native level).

  • Your web3 experiences / achievements / skills:
    Testnets, defi, dex, nft, token/smartcontract deployment, active user of lenster (creator of electronic music project, currently expanding to lenster - aboutriver on lenster), lensprotocolru guild member.

  • my bnb name: tahuma.bnb
  • I found it to be very cool. it makes everything clearer. Everyone can participate and contribute to the community easily. This is a point for the project to get stronger and stronger.
  • Spread SPACE ID DAO to everyone. Support new users.
  • Researcher, builder
1 Like

My id: darksun.bnb / 1808

In my opinion, the overall goal of SPACE ID DAO is to create a decentralized name service network that connects people, information, assets, and applications across different blockchains. This network aims to provide a universal identity platform that enables easy management of Web3 domains and offers a multi-chain name service accessible to everyone.

I think that achieving this goal is critical to the growth and adoption of Web3, and I believe that the talented team and strong community behind SPACE ID DAO can make it happen. By building a decentralized and open network, SPACE ID can help to unlock the full potential of Web3 and contribute to the growth of the decentralized ecosystem.

And i would like to be part of that team by preparing educational resources, including blog posts, videos, and infographics, to help people understand the benefits and uses of the project.

Like this one: Bifrost Network should be an example to other testnets. ( Multichain EVM ) | by Darksun Rayz | Medium

  1. Deepk.bnb
  2. SPACE ID DAO is very good step for decentralisation & community growth.
  3. I like to see community grow & work together. My first Proposal will to expend SPACE ID To many Network.
  4. I have experience in working in web3 for 2.5 years.

Space DAO will be the great to the public community
I can contribute via voting and testnets. Also by investing
Shiller, investor

cryptofreak47.bnb, cryptofreak47.arb
SPACE ID DAO helps community decide on itself and that is very important step.
I will take part in the community voting for any of the proposals also suggest if in case I find something that needs to be implemented among the community and the project.
I have been participating voluntarily on voting for multiple DAO’s and spread the word good projects as much as possible, also carry out some testnet projects and give them feedback to improve upon.

have a nice day, everyone. I wanted to offer my candidacy
шаман.bnb шаман.arb
Active project user for a long time
I try to promote the project and help the Russian community, it will continue and in the future
I always listen to the opinion of the community, which is an important part of the project :muscle:


pricey.bnb / fancy.arb

  • I want Dao to make the most appropriate decisions to promote the value of the token, increase the value of the domain for holders, and reduce the circulating supply of $ID tokens.

  • I will contribute a portion of my ID tokens as voting power and support the decisions that I believe are most appropriate for the goal of increasing the value of the token and the domain for long-term holders.

  • I have participated in many projects and ecosystems, from mainnet to testnet, and have had roles as a contributor and OG in some notable projects such as Cetus, Zeta Chain, Sui Global, Sui Ecosystem, Cedro Finance, Araya Finance, Suivivors, Ethos, Boho, Foxiverse, Mophis, StarknetID, Dolven, and Secured Finance…


  • bsccard.bnb
  • Decentralization
  • Vote, Hold ID
  • Web3
  • caeser.bnb
  • Decentralization, Participation
  • testenet , ambassador

Your .bnb/.arb name: elwindaimary.bnb

Your view on the overall goal of the SPACE ID DAO: Wonderful project great community

How would you contribute to the SPACE ID community or any improvement proposal you are considering: By voting activities

Your web3 experiences / achievements / skills: Testnet activities, Dao voting


Bnb domain= rivu2.bnb

My view= i think this project is gonna be great for recognising domain names for any private purposes and sharing

Goal= i wanna perticipate on any upcoming events from space id and regular dao voting

Experiences: moderation and trading for 5years in crypto & web3 space

mixethereum.bnb / mixethereum.arb

caught a lot of hype with the bnb network. The price increase after listing proves how big the project is. The activities you do also allow you to reach more people. Congratulations.

You should also connect to the web of optimism. We are tired of the high fees of the Ethereum network.

First of all I am a very good user in web3. I increased my experience with the project. I am currently learning new programming languages. I think this will help me a lot.



Your view on the overall goal of the SPACE ID DAO:
In My opinion , the goal should be to create a decentralized, transparent, and autonomous organization that promotes community governance,.

How would you contribute to the SPACE ID community or any improvement proposal you are considering:
My Goal would be ensure the DAO actually lives upto the true definition. If it lacks in any of the aspect I would raise my concern with a proposal.

Your web3 experiences / achievements / skills:
I have decent experience and skills in web3,using blockchain applications , decentralized exchanges and wallets.
Also have fair amount of understanding of Defi etc.