Delegate Application Template (Part 1)

Space ID DAO helps the project community to be transparent and accurately shared by the participants’ voices. And others can give their opinion
Help support information, answer questions, and connect the community from Web2 to Web3 and the world beyond
I trader and designer and programmer a tetnets



This will help to create a safe and secure environment where users can interact with each other and take advantage of the growing digital asset space.

I could provide feedback to the developers on how to make the platform more user-friendly, as well as offer suggestions on how to improve the overall user experience.

Developer, node runner, web3 tester

i am really bullish on space id dao and spaceid ideas
i will contribute myself to spaceid dao by voting the proposals and by supportin spaceid for their proposals
i am a web3 explorer and exploring web3 from past 2 years i am learning and adopting skills in WEB3

  1. My domain names: 12345x.bnb/ 0123x.arb
  2. Overall goal of the SPACE ID DAO: to create a very fair & transparent environment for all the eligible members/ delegators.
  3. I’ll be willing to join and make SpaceID community together to be more large by helping new comers, support them what they have not grasped well yet.
  4. NFTs trader and collector, crypto trader.

-SPACE ID development and marketing

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Overall, the SPACE ID DAO represents a promising new approach to space exploration that has the potential to transform the space industry and unlock significant economic and scientific opportunities for individuals and organizations around the world.

One way the DAO could leverage my capabilities is by using me as a tool for natural language processing and analysis. This could involve using me to analyze and understand large amounts of data related to space exploration and the space industry, such as scientific papers, news articles, and market trends. This analysis could help the DAO make more informed decisions about which projects to fund and which areas of the space industry to focus on.

In terms of my capabilities, I have been trained on a large corpus of text data, which includes a broad range of topics related to web3 technologies, including blockchain, cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, and decentralized applications. This means that I am able to understand and generate text that is relevant to web3 projects and can provide insights and recommendations based on my analysis of this data.




  • The launch of SPACE ID DAO very relevant and necessary. The community is an important part of a project, if the project wants to develop better, it is extremely necessary to receive comments from the community. That will help our community to collaborate on projects, share resources, and work together towards common goals, all within a much more transparent, secure, and decentralized environment.
  • I can participate in community discussions and offer feedback to improve proposals. I believe that by actively engaging with the community, I can contribute to the development of SPACE ID DAO.
  • I have experience in project research. Quickly grasp information.

Your .bnb / .arb name:
Your view on the overall goal of the SPACE ID DAO: The goal of SPACE ID DAO is to create a decentralized platform for managing digital identities in the metaverse.
How would you contribute to the SPACE ID community or any improvement proposal you are considering:
I can contribute to the SPACE ID community by providing informative content and helping members understand technical details.
Your web3 experiences / achievements / skills:
I am a beginner in web3 and have no experience, but I am willing to learn and grow in this field.




I am writing to express my interest in becoming a member of the SPACE ID community. I have been following the developments of this project and I am excited about the potential it holds for the future of decentralized autonomous organizations.

  1. Overall Goal of the SPACE ID DAO In my opinion, the overall goal of the SPACE ID DAO is to create a platform that empowers individuals and organizations to collaborate and co-create in a decentralized and transparent manner. By leveraging blockchain technology and smart contracts, the SPACE ID DAO aims to foster innovation, creativity, and social impact in various domains.
  2. Suggestions for the SPACE ID Community I believe that I can contribute to the SPACE ID community in the following ways:
  • By actively participating in the governance and decision-making processes of the DAO, and providing constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement.
  • By leveraging my technical skills and expertise in AI, blockchain, and smart contracts to develop innovative solutions and applications on the SPACE ID platform.
  • By promoting the SPACE ID community and its values through social media and other channels, and advocating for the adoption of decentralized technologies.
  1. Experiences, Achievements, and Skills I have several years of experience in the fields of AI and blockchain, and have worked on various projects that involve the intersection of these technologies. Some of my notable achievements include:
  • Developing a decentralized prediction market platform using Ethereum smart contracts.
  • Designing and implementing a machine learning model for fraud detection in financial transactions.
  • Contributing to the development of an AI-powered chatbot for customer service in the e-commerce industry.

My technical skills include proficiency in programming languages such as Python, Solidity, and JavaScript, as well as experience with various AI frameworks and libraries such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, and scikit-learn.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to the SPACE ID community and help shape the future of decentralized autonomous organizations.


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  1. In my opinion, the overall goal of SPACE ID DAO is to create a more accessible and equitable space industry, by enabling greater participation and collaboration across a diverse range of stakeholders. The DAO seeks to leverage blockchain technology and decentralized governance to create a more transparent and inclusive space ecosystem, where ideas and resources can be freely shared and leveraged for the benefit of all.

  2. Some suggestions that I would like to contribute to the Space ID community include:

Encouraging the development of space-related projects and initiatives that promote social and economic development, particularly in developing countries and marginalized communities.

Creating mechanisms for funding and supporting space startups and entrepreneurs, with a particular focus on those from underrepresented groups and regions.

Establishing educational programs and initiatives that aim to promote greater awareness and understanding of space-related topics, and to inspire greater engagement and participation from diverse communities.

Encouraging the development of open-source space-related technologies and services, that can be freely used and adapted by anyone, regardless of their background or resources.

  1. In terms of my experience and skills in the Web3 space, I have a strong background in blockchain technology and decentralized finance, and have contributed to a number of open-source projects in these areas. I have also been involved in various DAOs and have experience in participating in and contributing to decentralized governance processes. Additionally, I have a passion for social impact and believe that space technology can play a key role in enabling greater development and equity across the globe.


  1. In my opinion, the overall goal of SPACE ID DAO is to democratize access to space exploration and development, and to enable a more decentralized and inclusive approach to space-related innovation. The DAO seeks to leverage blockchain technology and decentralized governance to enable more individuals and organizations to participate in space-related projects and initiatives, and to create a more open and collaborative ecosystem for space development.

Some suggestions that I would like to contribute to the Space ID community include:

Encouraging the development of space-related projects and initiatives that have clear social and environmental benefits, such as space-based healthcare, education, and disaster relief services.

Creating mechanisms to support and fund space startups and entrepreneurs, particularly those from underrepresented groups, and providing them with the resources and mentorship they need to succeed.

Establishing partnerships with other DAOs and organizations in the space industry to share expertise and resources, and to create a more cohesive and collaborative ecosystem for space development.

Encouraging the development of open-source space-related technologies and services that can be freely used and adapted by anyone, regardless of their background or resources.

In terms of my experience and skills in the Web3 space, I have a strong background in blockchain technology and decentralized finance, and have contributed to a number of open-source projects in these areas. I have also been involved in various DAOs and have experience in participating in and contributing to decentralized governance processes. Additionally, I have a strong passion for space exploration and development, and believe that blockchain technology can play a key role in enabling a more decentralized and sustainable approach to space-related innovation.

*Help with voting and community support
*Skill in wed3 are still small - achievements testnet.

  • duydo.bnb
  • a large network and growing community
  • I join and use it
  • I often use layer3
  1. yamyam.bnb
  2. fast & Easy
  3. Help with voting and community support
  4. Investor and testnet tester
1 Like

The overall goal of SPACE ID DAO is to create a more decentralized and democratized space industry, by leveraging blockchain technology and decentralized governance to facilitate greater collaboration, transparency, and inclusivity across a diverse range of stakeholders. By enabling greater participation and engagement from individuals and organizations across the space industry, the DAO seeks to create a more open and collaborative ecosystem for space-related innovation, and to drive greater social and economic development across the globe.

As a seasoned blockchain professional with extensive experience in decentralized finance, I believe that I could contribute significantly to the Space ID community in a number of ways. Specifically, I would like to propose the following suggestions:

Encouraging the development of space-related projects and initiatives that are focused on sustainability and environmental responsibility, particularly in areas such as space-based renewable energy generation, climate monitoring, and carbon sequestration. By leveraging space-based technologies and data to address pressing environmental challenges, we can create a more sustainable and equitable future for all.

Creating mechanisms for funding and supporting space startups and entrepreneurs, particularly those from underrepresented groups and regions. By providing resources, mentorship, and support to these individuals and organizations, we can help to foster greater innovation and diversity across the space industry.

Establishing educational programs and initiatives that aim to promote greater awareness and understanding of space-related topics, particularly among underrepresented and marginalized communities. By inspiring greater engagement and participation from diverse communities, we can help to create a more inclusive and equitable space ecosystem.

Developing open-source space-related technologies and services, that can be freely used and adapted by anyone, regardless of their background or resources. By enabling greater collaboration and knowledge sharing across the space industry, we can help to accelerate innovation and progress towards a more democratized and sustainable space industry.

In terms of my experience and achievements in the Web3 space, I have extensive experience in blockchain technology and decentralized finance, and have contributed to a number of high-profile projects in these areas. Specifically, I have served as a lead developer and advisor for a number of blockchain startups, and have contributed to the development of a number of decentralized applications and protocols. I also have a strong interest in space exploration and development, and believe that blockchain technology can play a key role in enabling a more decentralized and sustainable approach to space-related innovation. With my skills and expertise, I believe that I could make a meaningful contribution to the Space ID community, and help to drive greater innovation and progress across the space industry.

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-SPACE ID DAO helps the project community to be transparent, fair, objective
-Help support information, answer questions

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haiphongclup.bnb[quote=“arton, post:1, topic:17, full:true”]
If you are interested in contributing to the SPACE ID DAO governance as a delegate, you must submit an application in this forum thread.

Deadline for submissions: April 28th, 2023, at 2PM UTC.

All delegate applications must follow the following structure:

  • Your .bnb / .arb name:
  • Your view on the overall goal of the SPACE ID DAO:
  • How would you contribute to the SPACE ID community or any improvement proposal you are considering:
  • Your web3 experiences / achievements / skills:


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  • Gorad.bnb
  • Giving the power of decision making in the hands of active community members and ID token holders
  • Help community support
  • Testnet


Decentralization is everything and the community is the project

Help with voting , community support , token holder.

TestNets , web3

  • :comet::comet::comet::comet::comet:.bnb
  • Lê Thu Đông
  • Help with voting and community support
  • Skills in web3 are good